Activities Program Trufforum Soria

Scientific-technical seminar of the
Soria Truffle Fair.

Truffle and truffle farming: scientific advances, challenges and cultivation experiences.

Friday, February 16, 2024 | Assembly Hall of the Junta de Castilla y León.
Calle Los Linajes 1, Soria

Organizers: European Mycological Institute (EMI), Abejar Town Council and Truffle Growers Association of Soria (ATRUSORIA).

Free admission until full capacity is reached

5:00 p.m.


17:15 h.

Study of truffle/soil/tree interactions for the improvement of truffle plantations: The TUBERLINKS research project.

Ana Rincón, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Madrid.

17:45 h.

Niche construction by Tuber aestivum and Tuber melanosporum.

Luis Gonzaga García-Montero. School of Forestry Engineering. Polytechnic University of Madrid.

18:15 h.

Irrigation in truffle growing: relationship between water, soil and truffle plantation.

Julio Perales Vicente. Bachelor’s degree in biology. Truffle grower from Mora de Rubielos and former president of the Association of Truffle Growers of Teruel (ATRUTER).

19:15 h.


19,30 h.

The truffle beetle (Leiodes cinnamomeus), a threat to intensive truffle farming : problems and prospects for its control with nematodes.

Fernando García del Pino. Autonomous University of Barcelona.

20:30 h.

Discussion and questions.

Moderated by Fernando Martínez Peña Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (CITA) and Joaquín Latorre Minguell from the European Mycological Institute (EMI).

20:30 h.

Closing of the day.
