The European black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) has been a prized delicacy in gastronomy since Roman times. However, do you truly understand what a truffle is? Are you familiar with its production areas? Did you know that while there are many species of truffles, only one is the authentic European black truffle (Tuber melanosporum)? Have you considered the distinctions between the genuine aroma of fresh truffles and the added imitation aromas? Do you know that within truffles, there are different categories depending on their quality? Do you know how to properly use and storage truffles to preserve their unique qualities? Perhaps you’re interested in exploring truffle tourism in Europe?
If you are curious about these questions, Trufforum will help you discover the secrets of the truffle from our producers, chefs, and experts. Additionally, we invite you to enjoy a tasting of fresh truffles brought directly from our production areas and pair them with our prized wines.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Activities Program Trufforum New York
Master The Black Truffle
Monday, February 26th, 2024 | Platform by the James Beard Foundation, Market 57 food hall, 25 11th Ave, New York, NY 10011, USA
5:00 pm
- Jaime-Faye Bean, James Beard Foundation, Michel Tournayre, GETT, Enrique Rubio, DPS, Miguel Ángel Navarro, DPT and Fernando Martínez-Peña, EMI.
5:10 pm
The Black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum): Identification, Primary Producing Regions, Cultivation Practices, and Quality Assessment.
- Dr. Fernando Martínez-Peña, CITA (Spain).
- Dr. María Martín Santafé, CITA (Spain)
5:20 pm
How to Store and Preserve Truffles, and Identifying Imitation Aromas.
- Dr. Laura Mateo-Vivaracho, CITA (Spain).
5:30 pm
Truffle tourism in Europe.
- Dr. Joaquin Latorre, EMI (EU).
5:40 pm
Culinary Demos
- Chef Rubén Catalán, La Torre del Visco restaurant, Teruel (Spain).
- Chef Miguel Ángel de la Cruz, La Botica de Matapozuelos, Valladolid (Spain).
6:40 pm
Truffle tasting and Wine pairing
- Daniel Brito García-Mascaraque, ATRUTER Truffle Tasting Panel, Teruel (Spain).
- Jaime Suárez, Executive winemaker at Dominio de Atauta, Ribera del Duero, Soria (Spain).
7:15 pm
Questions and exchange with our European truffle growers and experts
- Daniel Brito (, Sarrión, Teruel (Spain).
- Javier Garijo (, Soria (Spain).
- Ricardo Forcadell (, Cella, Teruel (Spain).
- Neftali Velilla (, Mora de Rubielos, Teruel (Spain)
- Michel Tournayre (, Uzès, Occitanie (France).
- Simona Doñate (, Sarrión, Teruel (Spain).
General Seminar: Discover the secrets of the black truffle of Europe
Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 | Culinary Institute of America (CIA), Marriott Pavilion 1946 Campus Drive. Hyde Park, NY 12538-1499.
9:00 am
Introduction and program objectives:
- Mark Erickson, CIA, Michel Tournayre, GETT, Miguel Ángel Navarro, DPT, Enrique Rubio, DPS and Fernando Martínez-Peña, EMI.
9:10 am
The black Périgord Truffle (Tuber melanosporum): history, ecology, distribution, truffle landscapes, identification, cultivation, grading, production yields, distribution channels.
- Dr. Fernando Martínez-Peña, CITA (Spain).
- Dr. María Martín Santafé, CITA (Spain).
9:30 am
Culinary properties of the black truffle: aroma, storing/preserving truffles, truffle based value-added products and frauds.
- Dr. Laura Mateo-Vivaracho. CITA (Spain).
9:40 am
Truffle Based Travel and Tourism.
- Dr. Joaquin Latorre, EMI (EU).
9:50 am
Truffle Tasting: evaluation Rubric.
- Daniel Brito García-Mascaraque, ATRUTER Truffle Tasting Panel, Teruel (Spain).
10:15 am
Cooking with Truffles (with Demo) by Michelin-starred chefs:
- Chef Rubén Catalán, La Torre del Visco restaurant, Teruel (Spain).
- Chef Miguel Ángel de la Cruz, La Botica de Matapozuelos, Valladolid (Spain).
- Chef Jason Potanovich, Chef assistant CIA (USA).
11:20 am
Questions and exchange with our European truffle growers and experts:
- Daniel Brito (, Sarrión, Teruel (Spain).
- Javier Garijo (, Soria (Spain).
- Ricardo Forcadell (, Cella, Teruel (Spain).
- Neftali Velilla (, Mora de Rubielos, Teruel (Spain)
- Michel Tournayre (, Uzès, Occitanie (France).
- Simona Doñate (, Sarrión, Teruel (Spain).
11:30-12:00 am
Optional Truffle and Wine Pairing Seminar
Jaime Suárez, Executive winemaker at Dominio de Atauta, Ribera del Duero, Soria, (Spain).
Her majesty the black truffle
Wednesday, February 28th, 2024 | James Beard House 167 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011.
9:00-11:00 am
Her majesty the black truffle. Themed dinner on black truffle cuisine offered for members of the James Beard Foundation led by specialized Michelin-starred chefs and paired with top quality Spanish wines.
- Chef Rubén Catalán, La Torre del Visco Restaurant, Teruel (Spain).
- Chef Miguel Ángel de la Cruz, La Botica de Matapozuelos Restaurant, Valladolid (Spain).
- Jaime Suarez, Executive winemaker at Dominio de Atauta, Ribera del Duero, Soria (Spain).
Angel Moretón, Technical Secretary of the Trufforum NY 2024

